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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It has been one month since the start of my holidays... One more to go~ So far, many things have happened. For example, the recent Singapore 2009 Night Race held from 25 September - 27 September. Yes, i was one of the spectators watching Louis Hamilton win the race. =D

My results have been released and honestly, i wasn't surprised at my grades given the "least" amount of effort i put in for that semester. My motto? Keep Moving Forward! Therefore, i am not going to let this get me down.

One of my best friends is going to India for 2 weeks... I'll miss you lots! <3 Meanwhile, i'll get to annoy my other best friends even more *hehe XD* We hanged out yesterday at her house as well as head to City Link for dinner and shopping. I saw this coat and bag which is simply gorgeous but i didn't buy though... =( Regret? A bit...

Let's see... other things that have happened... yes! I have made some new friends. Although most of them are just a few years younger than me, they are quite a ton of fun. Places that we have gone to; Town, East Coast Park. During this period of time, i tried something that i thought i would never dare to learn in this lifetime - Roller Blading. Result? I learned how to balance a little which is better than not being able to stand and move at all. My first and second attempts or rather my only two attempts so far have been a really painful experience for me. Especially the second one at Pasir Ris where i fell and hurt my arm. Blood. Ouch. Lifelong skill.

11:17 AM

Glitter Words


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