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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Alright. I am offically 3 weeks away from my exams. I'm not planning on studying during the CNY period but i will take some notes along with me just to calm my nerves. Oh by the way, i am heading to Malaysia just like every other year to celebrate my CNY. I'm leaving this Friday, 23rd January! I am totally looking forward to this because it gives me the chance to meet my cousins which i only do once a year. We are so distant from each other =(. Oh and because SIA's lounge is soo cool! XD goodie food + aircon + service!

Ok! i'll most probably be uncontactable during the CNY period so... Happy Chinese New Year!

PS: Going to be so stress after this... *sad*

5:44 PM

YES Finally!!! i am qualified to take the tests for the highway code. Though i'm late in updating this but YES i am one step closer to my beloved driving license! I would say that there are 3 stages in which i have just begun to undetake stage number 2!

Basic Test - PASSED

Final - In progress (Test date - 28 Feb)

Practical - Yet to apply

Predicted time to take the driving license - 6 months

5:40 PM

Glitter Words


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