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Friday, October 31, 2008

What is your first thought when you first hear of the word "China"? Well, i was asked this question the other day. My answer? you guessed it! Melamine. Anyway, it is like the hottest topic right now. There is so many products that contains milk. So many products that we dare not eat anymore. In addition, all our favourite treats like chocolates and biscuits.

=( I have to say, this is an eye-opener on things. It shows how important milk is to the F&B world. I bet that 90% of everything contains some milk. It is so sad that i have to stay away from some of my favourite brands T_T.

Anyway, to be on the safe side, just don't take any milk for at least a few more months till things get settled down.


6:58 PM

Monday, October 6, 2008

The world is in japody. Financially. It started in the U.S. Maybe not entirely U.S. to blame, but rather the world
is to blame. Now, the world has to pay for it.

How serious is this anyway?
Trillons of dollars are still in debt. The U.S. government has to step in to help the situation. At the rate the financial world is going, there may be a version 2 of The Great Depression.

Signs of this bad nightmare?
-People losing their jobs
-Big Banks closing down (I do mean BIG and assumed to be financially sound)
-Amazing drop in the prices of stocks (Violatility of the market)

Basically, this is like haze. It spreads like fire! Even faster than fire. The haze transbound into other countries. First from U.S. to Europe. Now it has hit Singapore. We all know this sooner or later. Afterall, Singapore is a small country. This can be judged from the STI index which has recently fell another 5%.

Start saving money. Protect your money =) In addition, store food in your house. Just in case =)

10:30 PM

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Seriously. Is results everything? Sure it means something to a certain extent. It can get you into a better school or course and it gives you pride and confidence.

Some of the world's famous people weren't the most intelligent. Therefore it denies the theory. These people are different because they are unique, creative, expressive and inspirational models in their own way.

An article in the newspaper caught my attention today. As most of you may already know, the world is in a crisis and at the stage of The Great Depression version 2. There was a picture of a boy being a protestor at Wall Street. He was holding a board and it wrote: "I have a 4.0 GPA. $90,000 in debt and no job".

At this point, i thought about it. Many people are jobless now. Results won't really play a big role in increasing your chances of getting employed. My opinion for this is: "In order to stand out from the crowd, you have to speak out and shine".


2:20 PM

Has anyone ever told you the world is going to end in year 2010? What was your reaction?

For me, i started thinking. There is a part for me to play, although a very very small role. At least, get started. In case the worst should happen, how prepared am i to counter the disaster?

I would like to recommend a japanese drama called Long Love Letter. It is worth watching especially if you are curious as to what i am talking about. No its not mushy or anything like that. You can watch it on http://www.dramacrazy.net/.


8:31 AM

Friday, October 3, 2008

Hey everyone,
I'm Mika. Welcome to my blog. I have various blogs specializing in different categories. For example, mika-akira world will specialize in recommendations of anime and dramas. Of course, these shows are available to watch online unless they are liscenced.

For this blog, it will specialize in general topics. These topics may originate from current news or rumours. Basically this is the homepage. The links provided on the side links to other blogs so feel free to explore them. Enjoy~


10:55 PM

Glitter Words


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