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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It has been one month since the start of my holidays... One more to go~ So far, many things have happened. For example, the recent Singapore 2009 Night Race held from 25 September - 27 September. Yes, i was one of the spectators watching Louis Hamilton win the race. =D

My results have been released and honestly, i wasn't surprised at my grades given the "least" amount of effort i put in for that semester. My motto? Keep Moving Forward! Therefore, i am not going to let this get me down.

One of my best friends is going to India for 2 weeks... I'll miss you lots! <3 Meanwhile, i'll get to annoy my other best friends even more *hehe XD* We hanged out yesterday at her house as well as head to City Link for dinner and shopping. I saw this coat and bag which is simply gorgeous but i didn't buy though... =( Regret? A bit...

Let's see... other things that have happened... yes! I have made some new friends. Although most of them are just a few years younger than me, they are quite a ton of fun. Places that we have gone to; Town, East Coast Park. During this period of time, i tried something that i thought i would never dare to learn in this lifetime - Roller Blading. Result? I learned how to balance a little which is better than not being able to stand and move at all. My first and second attempts or rather my only two attempts so far have been a really painful experience for me. Especially the second one at Pasir Ris where i fell and hurt my arm. Blood. Ouch. Lifelong skill.

11:17 AM

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Content Page XP
1. Exam period
2. Driving
3. Holiday
4. Meet ups
5. Games

Alright, lets start it off one by one now shall we? After all its been 7 months since my last post. im not going to tell my entire life story of course... its secret XP

1. Yes! its exams again and my first paper started yesterday at 9am... gald that is over because at least i can chuck the book to one side =D. The book is ridiculously thick! The exam period lasts for one week which means it'll end next friday. 1 Down, 4 to go~ The study period is only 1 week as well which is odd because the usual amount of time is 2 weeks. Oh well... i have screwed up this semester because i have become complacent. I have almost no mood to study at all and when the exam comes, i only take a maximum of 5 hours to study (the day before the exam). Obviously, i would not be doing well but i can't turn back time now can i?

2. Driving~ im roaming the highway people!!! PASSED on 10 July 2009. HAHAHA!

3. I absolutely can't wait for the holidays and for my addiction to the internet to kick in again~ People will usually look for a job but i really dislike wasting my precious holiday working... After all, you only get to enjoy this teen life for a small amount of time... Once you hit adulthood and ready to work... You'll be spending the next 50 years working your butt out!

4. During the holidays, i plan to meet up with my old friends and those that i've lost contact with for years... most of them will be in university and i don't plan on losing them again.

5. Now i am addicted to a game called Audition. It is an old game but its fun for me although i can't play it for long hours as it adds stress to the brain. I play it mostly because i have friends and we chat more than we play XP

Alright time for me to sign out~ Have to study but im pretty much slacking again...

Cheers :)

11:14 AM

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Alright. I am offically 3 weeks away from my exams. I'm not planning on studying during the CNY period but i will take some notes along with me just to calm my nerves. Oh by the way, i am heading to Malaysia just like every other year to celebrate my CNY. I'm leaving this Friday, 23rd January! I am totally looking forward to this because it gives me the chance to meet my cousins which i only do once a year. We are so distant from each other =(. Oh and because SIA's lounge is soo cool! XD goodie food + aircon + service!

Ok! i'll most probably be uncontactable during the CNY period so... Happy Chinese New Year!

PS: Going to be so stress after this... *sad*

5:44 PM

YES Finally!!! i am qualified to take the tests for the highway code. Though i'm late in updating this but YES i am one step closer to my beloved driving license! I would say that there are 3 stages in which i have just begun to undetake stage number 2!

Basic Test - PASSED

Final - In progress (Test date - 28 Feb)

Practical - Yet to apply

Predicted time to take the driving license - 6 months

5:40 PM

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Its the holidays!!! End of PSLE, O levels and A levels! Time to sit back and relax! But don't become a couch potato, this is also a good time to go and get a part time job. If not, then just play your games till the mist of the night.

So how's thanksgiving day? Turkey, and so many varieties of food - just thinking of it makes your mouth water! In addition, the upcoming Christmas, it's just so much fun this holiday~ Can't wait for the log cakes with cute snowmans on top and LOTS of snow! Sometimes i wonder why the cake is shaped like a log... Is there any meaning to it?

Alright i'll be frank - It's not my holidays though, i still have to attend school. Why? Poly is like cut off from the normal holiday periods so students there have to comply with the really abnormal period. So in layman's terms, it means that poly has holidays when the rest of the students don't. So the upside is that poly students don't have to squeeze with the crowds in orchard. The downside is that they don't get to hang out with their friends who are in JC. (Kinda sad)

Can you imagine??? Exams right after Chinese New Year! That is like major disaster for that holiday... Having to study when the rest of your cousins and siblings are collecting red packets... Major breakthrough for me when i managed to comply with that horrible reality. Oh well, let's just enjoy the upcoming holiday - Christmas

9:25 AM

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hey everyone!
Let me start this off with a question. Do you have a best friend?

This is a common question. Yet it is difficult to answer. Until now, whenever i am asked this question, i find myself being unable to answer. I guess it is not that i don't have a best friend. Rather... i don't know what a best friend is.

Sometimes i wonder...
Is a best friend someone who cares?
someone who agrees to whatever you say?
someone who wants to be with you forever?
someone who shares the same traits as you?

Well, i guess i am a lucky girl =) all these time, although neglected and sort of bullied in primary school. I have some friends who were there to support me(details are a little fuzzy then) It also happened in secondary school. I guess i am a little anti-social. It is fun to be in groups of friends talking, laughing and socializing. It is not fun to watch from a distance.

I am happy to say that i may have found the people who can be there for me... in a way... but i am not sure if they are the ones that i have been searching for...

(to be edited in the future)

6:11 PM

Friday, October 31, 2008

What is your first thought when you first hear of the word "China"? Well, i was asked this question the other day. My answer? you guessed it! Melamine. Anyway, it is like the hottest topic right now. There is so many products that contains milk. So many products that we dare not eat anymore. In addition, all our favourite treats like chocolates and biscuits.

=( I have to say, this is an eye-opener on things. It shows how important milk is to the F&B world. I bet that 90% of everything contains some milk. It is so sad that i have to stay away from some of my favourite brands T_T.

Anyway, to be on the safe side, just don't take any milk for at least a few more months till things get settled down.


6:58 PM

Glitter Words


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October 2008
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September 2009

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